Friday, January 26, 2018

Drunk On Sunday

And time for some more disgusting noise straight from the bible belt while desecrating your church services with their 3.2 % alcohol induced sermons since 2005  . They play a mixture of thrash  , hardcore , metal with a hint of jazz and  weird timings in some of their songs . They have been in various bands around O.K.C. Such as Bi Products , Broken Cross , Murder On easy Street Rat Piss and Ugly tree and are now currently in Kinda Creepy  . They were another regular band to play at The U.C. House in Norman , Oklahoma and have played with such bands ranging from Naked Aggression , DDC , Havok , Nux Vomica , Downtown Brown , War Cola  and god knows who else .     The Band consists of West Bay Farley , Justin Toxicated  , and Dr. Bong Jovi . Can't really say if the band broke up or just involved into Kinda Creepy but whatever , This was a great band to go see and they all are great people . Hopefully i can find more stuff from the local O.K.C. area and maybe Tulsa to post one day , well what i have for you here is their 27 song cd i got from Bong Jovi at the War Cola show at the U.C. House (i think?) and 4 songs converted from video from a show In Norman (not to sure which one)                                                                                                             click it then drink it!sfBUnKSJ!2nIigFYHOWwZfbBARhRExQ                            

As for Kinda Creepy i have for you their Demo and Kinda Creepy 2 songs from their BandCamp page so go check them out and give them some drunkin loving!JbgjwLKT!MbMTSrmuyNWdml-FJsG9-Q
                                                                                                                                                                        both bands have facebook pages and kinda Creepy have a bandcamp page , so please go check these guys out                                                                                                                                                                              

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