Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Profane Existence Aftermath compilation

So we all know Profane Existence and the music they put out and the magazine , well this is the Aftermath double lp that came out in 1999 . I've listened to it but never seen the poster insert before until a friend came over years ago and had to show it to me , to my amazement there is something i had wrote on an envelope when i had ordered some stuff from Profane a few years earlier ( around 95 , 96 when i lived in Oklahoma) so in early 2000 i seen the poster insert and in between the bands is a saying (actually a part of a song i was working on)                                                                                   " Somewhere tomorrow where our dreams lie , We gotta fight for them before they die , This world we were born in , An inheritance of hate  Something one day we will change. "                                     and with my name in there . It might not seem like much but to see my name in one of Profane Existence records along so many great bands makes you feel appreciated or something like that  .  well i spent years looking for a copy and even contacted Profane/Blackened and asked them about it , hell none of them even had a copy . Well in April 2018 i finally found and got a hold of a copy thanks to Discogs.com

Here for your listening pleasure is that double lp , listen loud and enjoy                                                                                                                                                                                             https://mega.nz/#F!wbJFFZaB!q0tWZiaYAgAQEAg6b2eNQw                                                            




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