Friday, June 22, 2018

Rai Ko Ris - Himalayan Anarcho punk

I love finding out about and hearing new bands from all over , for so long i heard about all types of bands from reading Maximum Rock & Roll , Flipside  or a number of zines  and ordering records or tapes from a distro or one i did a lot of  was tape trading with people from all over  and writing to people from all over was fun . You would send a mix tape to someone and they would send you a mix tape back or like a few tapes ( i wish i still had  ) would to be send them 2 blank tapes and they would send you one back filled with a comp or sometimes their bands recordings ( demo's , live recordings , etc.) . But that day and age is long gone , it's just now simply  look , browse  click and download . I love to collect vinyl to listen to  but i can't afford to buy records very often so i check out different music blogs , bandcamp , etc to find new bands to listen to and even older bands recordings that i use to listen to /have records of , and i have found quite a few  bands i havn't heard in years . well here is one band i never heard of until a couple years ago ( and had no idea there was a punk scene there ) . Rai Ko Ris from Kathmandu , Nepal formed in 2000 and ended in 2014 but Sareena Rai and Olivier Bertin went on to be in Tank Girl .Here is a link to thier home page that will tell you more about the band and what they do and are about                                                           So i have here for you is                                                                              D.I.Y.                                                             Demo                                                    Demo 2001                            Guerrilla                                            Himalayan Frostbite                                                                                                                           Live In Practice Room                                                                                                                    Nepal Ko Hatha Haru - Stories From Nepal                                                                               New Anti National Anthems 2006-2007                                                                                      Rai Ko Ris and Johannes                                                                                                            Stories From Nepal            Ungovernable Mountains                                                                                                                    and Tank Girl's recording Kis With Gun +Choco fun                                                                                                                                                                                                          I am missing the split with Huasipungo so if anyone has let i would appreciate it .  Tank Girl i guess has a facebook page              and Rai Ko Ris has one to but not an official one but i think a fan page   and Rai Ko Ris do have a bandcap page so go check it out and show them some love




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