Tuesday, February 12, 2019

This Is Bako Motherfuckers update ---- The Heretics / Family

Well just a little update anyways , i have found a few pics and finally mp3's of two anarcho D.I.Y. bands . The info on the bands  are limited because i just don't remember from being drunk to damn often and i wasn't living or had just moved back , but i remember them being great people . Don't know what all the members are up to nowadays or if they're still in bands .                                                I'll start off here with The Heretics , first time i seen them was in Ventura with Peter Pan's Army . I had seen a flyer and seen a Bakersfield band was playing and went to see if i knew any of them , well i kinda knew a couple of them and enjoyed the music they played . These recordings are kinda rough and sound like they were recorded during practice but it gives you an idea of their sound








.                                                     https://mega.nz/#F!IXBgWYJA!fQmJZOVCwkjVtFy02dy3KQ                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           And this is Family                                                                              
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          https://mega.nz/#F!sCAUFQKR!3u-N1qbO-vw9-TwUPnBpXw                                                                                                                                                                  Sorry about the lack of pictures but i don't have any and can't find any on the internet  (so if anybody out there has some let me know so i can add some) . The bassist (Jimmy Mansfield) in The Heretics also played bass ? in Family and later on played guitar in Commotion (hoping on getting and posting that live tape sometime soon) . So if anybody out there has pics or any more info on both bands  i'd love to be able to add that .                                                                                                                        So cheers to you all out there and hopefully I'll be posting more music soon



  1. Your blog is great. I am from Bako went to high school there and live in Florida now. Can u dig up some stuff on Scott aka Slim the Drifter. I had a tape once upon a time but my deck ate it. He is worms in dirt at this point.

    1. I'll see what i can dig up , i know there is some of his stuff out there . i know i am missing a lot of bands and info of Bako bands but i didn't move here til 92. I have some stuff but so much more of it was found on the internet and i'm still looking to add more music/info to it . Yeah Bako hasn't changed to much , but it has gotten bigger .

  2. I was the guitarist for The Heretics and Family, i think you have all the pictures that have been uploaded online, any questions send me an email bakograss@gmail.com
