Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Dan Dittmer interview

                                                                                                                                                                        I first met Dan sometime back in the 80's , either at the show he put on and his band played , or the many show from the Skate Palace or the Oxnard community center or  from any of the places that bands found to play at , or was it at one of the skate spots . Hell i don't remember , he found out i was from Ojai and he's from Camarillo (Ventura county) and we started talking and to find out we had most likely came across each other years ago . It was great to talk to him and remember the scene when we grew up in the 80's , well  I've been wanting to do interviews on here and thought Dan would be a great person , he grew up in the Nardcore heyday and has played in different bands and booked shows in different states .  This is his story about what's been going on and has gone on in the past ,so sit back and read some history and enjoy .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           1 - So who are you and what do you do , and why do you live in a winter wasteland  ?                                                                                                                                                                                                            Dan - 1) My name is Dan Dittmer (Dan Dignity , Dakota Dan) . I live and work in Minnesota , about 20 minutes from downtown Minneapolis . I moved to Minnesota to tattoo at the shop I still work at - DRAGONLAND TATTOO ( formerly ELECTRIC DRAGONLAND) .                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2 - You've played in different bands since the 80's and booked shows in Ventura and South Dakota . Where else have you booked shows at and what bands have you been in  ?                                                                                                                                                                                                                 DAN - 2) I started getting into the punk scene in Camarillo , California in the early 80's . My first band was THE STEAMIE WEENIES (we were in junior high at the time and obviously didn't take ourselves too seriously) . THE STEAMIE WEENIES included me , my friend Nathan Harris (Southern California recording master , recorded bands for last NARDCORE vinyl release along with a lot of other Oxnard/ Ventura/Camarillo/Simi Valley bands) and various other people . We didn't last too long and eventually went through various band members and names . Eventually i started a band called CIVIL LIES . Again , morphong our sound with a revolving door of musicians , we changed our name to DIGNITY and ended up playing some shows . Dignity included me , Sasha Fuentes (Sukia fame) , Rob Bartholomew and several different singers - including Stan Buchanan and Curtiss Riley . Dignity played a coupl shows with our friends REGULATION AND CONTROL (featuring recording legend Jerry Finn and ska master Jimi Chastian , currently of SKA DADDYZ ) in Camarillo , Ventura and Santa Barbara . By the end of 1987 i ended up moving to RAPID CITY , SOUTH DAKOTA  to live with my dad .

                                                                                               I booked my first show at THE RED BARN in Santa Barbara , California back in mid 80's . There weren't a lot of show promotors , locally , that wanted to deal with up-and-coming bands so i decided to book my own show .  TYHE RED BARN was inexpensive and was a good size for a small show , or so i thought . The show ended up being us (DIGNITY) ,REGULATION AND CONTROL , CONDEMNED , D-GENERATION , IMPUNITY , VIRULENCE (pre FuManchu) , PGAN BABIES , A POCKET FULL OF ANYTHING and HALF OFF . Well a couple bands into it , the cops show up and threaten to shut the show down and arrest me . HALF OFF bail . I ended up trading clothes with my friend (so the cops wouldn't recognize me) and continued with the show . It was a great turn out and everyone had a blast . After that i did a small show at my house with DISSENT (from Rapid City , South Dakota ) and a couple of smaller house shows . After moving to Rapid City , South Dakota , I started a punk band called STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART (SFTH) and started helping with shows , eventually going into booking shows full time .                                                                   Bands I've been in : THE STEAMIE WEENIES , INSURGENCE (featured Dave of APOCALYPSE and Toby of FILTH - this band was super short lived , only a couple of practices ) , CIVIL LIES , DIGNITY , SFTH , MAN VERSUS , 11 STRAP (eventually addinf Troy Zoller/DISSENT/SOCIAL JOKE) , and HOPE YOU CHOKE (featues members of HOLDING ON , REAL ENEMY , BODIES LAY BROKEN and RUSHIN'ATTACK) .There were plenty of bands in between those that never really went anywhere .                                                                                                                                                                                               3 - You work as a tattoo artist and also run/own FTWNU2 record label , how long have you been tattooing and what made you decide to start a record label ?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           DAN - 3) I've been a professional tattoo artist over 25 years . I love it . I love doing art everyday .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            4 - How did you come up with the name for the label , and why do you deal with just Minnesota bands ?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  DAN -4)  I came up with the name for the label - FTWNU2 actually based off a tattoo i have . I have FTW NU2 tattoo on my chest , because whenever i took my daughter ( when she was a child) to the lake , people would always stare at me and look at me like a criminal . So fuck em' oh and the world too ! ha! Anyways , I figured it was a good name because the punk scene had always been about fighting the world/system/injustices and if you weren't that , then fuck you too .                                    I deal with just local MN bands because it's easier to meet up and discuss things or defuse situations . There are a lot of personalities in bands , and some need extra attention . I can also work the merch booth , most of the time , and really push the latest release .                                                                                                                                                                                              5 - What bands are on the label and can we expect any new recordings or bands ?                                                                                                                                                                                         DAN - 5) Right now the bands on the current roster are : BONEFIRE (ex-Misery , the Murderers) , TRINITY TEST and DISSIDENT CLONE (ex-DEMONICON , WAR/PLAGUE) . BONEFIRE is back to a 4 piece with both guitarist and bass player singing , and their mini-tour with TRINITY TEST just got postponed due to virus/current U.S. situation . So there is talk of doing a new video along with a couple new recorded songs by the end of the year . (Obviously pending what happens in the world) . TRINITY TEAT is releasing a 6 song cdep April 18th . It has 3 brand new songs and 3 rerecorded songs . They currently have enough for another full length LP , so we'll see what happens . (with obviously the world and now record pressing plants in high demand) . DISSIDENT CLONE practiced again this year and have some new tunes in the works . Other than that , there have been discussions with WAX LEAD and DETERIORATION . So we'll see...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             6 - You Played in bands and booked shows around Ventura County area in the 80's during the NARDCORE heydays . What was the scene like back then and do you stay in touch with anyone from back then ?                                                                                                                                                                                         Dan -6) The NARDCORE scene was great . An amazing time for punk ! Living in Camarillo and going to school in Oxnard , you got to make some great connections . Eddy Burgos (HABEUS CORPUS/ NUMBSKULL PRODUCTIONS) was a great person and was super encouraging . I was in the same grade as his sister Mimi . Also Fred Hammer ( IT'S ALIVE FANZINE/RECORDS) was a huge part . I remember going to the Olympic Auditorium with Fred and Arnie to see the English Dogs . Wow ,  those were the punk years ! I did the first or second cover for IT'S ALIVE fanzine back in the day . Going to school in Oxnard Kyle Toucher (Dr.Know)'s mom was one of my teachers . She was nice , strict , but nice . I also went to school with James from Mr' Squid and Ed from PENIS BRIGADE/JERKIN GERKINS . They would bring me issues of 60 MILES NORTH and tons of show flyers . That's when my friend Brian Land and i decided to do a zine called VICIOUS MONKEY . We had 1 1/2 issues out before we went our own way . The first issue was cool . Had interviews with Agression , DY , Cristian Underground and some other goodies , I wish i still had a copy .                                                                                                                                                                                                          I still keep in touch with FRED HAMMER  (I just did a drawing for his book that is coming out) , Big Bob (Agression) and a couple other people from that scene . The thing is , we're all getting older and most of them are dying off . so....                                                                                                             We would also skate at THE DITCH in Camarillo . That's where i met AGRESSION , AFU , 2ND THOUGHT ... and a ton of other cool people . Everyone was encouraging , for the most part , ha! Those were some great years , some that can never be replicated . The punk scene back then was rough and raw . If you saw someone who looked different , you'd approach them and would find out what they're about . That is how i got to meet bands like ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT , BLAST! and tons of others . I'll stop because those stories will go on for days .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           7 - I was at a show years ago (1987 ?) that you put on and your band DIGNITY played at THE RED BARN in Isla Vista (Santa Barbara) . For people who don't live in Cali , what would be your best description of the RED BARN to them ?                                                                                                                                                                                                         DAN - 7) The RED BARN was just that . A small Red Barn . It had a small stage in the back and looked like an oversized storage shed , but in barn form . I got to see some amazing bands there ! AFU , STALAG 13 ... real cool memories  ! I have pictures aomewhere of some shows there . More "community' based , unlike the L.A. scene at the time .                                                                                                                                                                                                    8 - Who are some of the bands you've played with and booked shows for , and what were some of the best and worst ?                                                                                                                                                                                          DAN -8) Wow , this could end up being a huge laundry list of bands . I'll try to remember here , let's see - SFTH did three days with SCREECHING WEASEL/SCHERZO , three days with ANTISCHISM , NEUROSIS , BUZZOVEN , FILTH , ECONOCHRIST , DESTROY , INSTED , 411 , REASON TO BELIEVE , WORLD'S COLLIDE , DAMNATION AD , BATTERY , EYELID , CRINGER , NOMEANSNO , SPITBOY , FACE VALUE , MARTYR AD , COMEBACK KID , SPITTING TEETH , SLAP OF REALITY , EDGEWISE , UPFRONT , LOS CRUDOS , ILL REPUTE , CHRIST ON A CRUTCH , UNDERTOW , JAWBREAKER , GODHEADSILO , TIGERTRAP , BLOOD FOR BLLOD , STIGMATA , SNAPCASE , REFUSED , AVAIL , DEAD SILENCE , 4 WALLS FALLING , CLUTCH , SHELTER , EXPATRIATE , DISSENT , LIBIDO BOYS , INTO ANOTHER , THE DETONATORS , VAMPIRE LESBOS , ELMER , RORSCHACH , BORN AGAINST , BOYSETSFIRE , BROTHERS KEEPER , DEMISE , DOWNCAST , OFFSPRING , GREEN DAY .... the list is 1000's long (a little FILTH humor there) .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Funny story - RORSCHACH was staying at my house in Rapid City and we stayed up till 2am listening to KING DIAMOND/MERCYFUL FATE and we were jumping aroundand playing air guitar on our huge setional couch . I eventually had to go to bed , since i had to leave for work at 7:30am , and the guys remained up and rocking out . Well i guess our landlords got a noise complaint and came by to see what the deal was . One of the guitarists for RORSCHACH opened the door , our landlady started yelling at him , he screamed and slammed the door in her face . Hence we were evicted the next day .                                                                                                                                                                                           Another funny story is when BLOOD FOR BLOOD stayed at the house , with STIGMATA , and we ended up watching TOY STORY instead of going to the strip club .                                                                                                                                                                                       Worst band story i can't even repeat , because they said they'ed sue me if i repeated it and sent a "Cease and Desist" letter . They were douchebags . They ended up wearing Nazi uniforms and were "goosestepping" around . None of us realized any of this . The only reason we booked them is because their singer use to be/still is in a huge band . They were more industrial /metal/goth . Was strange .                                                                                                                                                                                                     9 - Since you've been around forever involved in music in different states and scenes , what of any differences have you seen in over the years ?                                                                                                                                                          DAN - 9)The scene will never be what it use to be . The internet took care of that . Now music is on phones for download , no one (except collectors) really buys vinyl or cds . People are constantly in touch with scenes/people/bands . You don't have to search out anything anymore . Part of evolution .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       10 - You had a heart attack a few years ago , was it hard to adjust to things after that and did it change your perspective of life in general ?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 DAN - 10) Actually, I DIDN'T HAVE A HEART ATTACK , i had open heart surgey . If i hadn't had the surgery , I would have had a heart attack in the future . I was born missing some arteries in my heart . My body compensated by making extra capillaries . I had a quadruple bypass heart surgery . It sucked . but I'm alive today . It changes every part of your world . From what you eat to relearning how to walk to all the meds you take everyday . It was also a strain on my relationship . My patner , at the time , had a hard time with it . She wasn't use to any of that and had a hard time coping . After that , I had nasal surgery (my fifth) and kidney stone removal . So these last 5 years have been trying . But it makes you appreciate everything so much more and not take for granted , the little things .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11 - How did you get Vince Locke to do the cover of Bonefire's "Fade And Decay" LP ?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           DAN - 11) I've been friend with VINCE LOCKE for probably 15 years or so . I on several (20+) originals . Some from Cannibal Corpse . So when I neede artwork , it was a total no-brainer . Vince did the BONEFIRE LPcover along with the cover for DISSIDENT CLONE CDLP . vince is great to work with . Especially if you let him do his thing .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   12 - With the current state of things with this pandemic many people are not able to work . How has it affected you and others you know , and do you think the States will or could recover or go into another recession ?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              DAN - 12) This pandemic will be interesting . It'll definitely show the "human side" of people . It will get really primitive . I hope I'm able to still tattoo after this . Who knows , there's already a bunch of government involvement in the tattoo world coming down the pike that I'm not able to elaborate on . Not fun .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    13 - Any last words .                                                                                                                                         DAN - 13) Hopefully I;m still around when this prints . We'll see . With my weakened immune system , this might be my last interview ever . So thank you Allen for the opportunity !                                                                                                              FTWNU2        


 Here are some of the shows that Dan booked or played             





 And this is THE RED BARN and some flyers of other shows and a few pictures from inside            


It was great doing this interview and him telling about the show he booked at THE RED BARN  brought it all back of being there that day , the fun and excitement and of the fucking pigs trying to ruin it . I think  i and others was trying to block Dan from the cops sight as he changed , i remember it happening  but damn , that was a long time ago .                                                                             Hope your around for a long time Dan .                                                                    
Here are some links to FTWNU2                                                                                                                 Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/Ftwnu2Productions/                                                                                                            Bandcamp https://ftwnu2.bandcamp.com/                                                                                                      Webstore https://ftwnu2records.bigcartel.com/                                                                                                                            Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ftwnu2records/?hl=en                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
  and a link to PDF files of Heart Attack and No Answers fazine where you can find find some pictures from the RED BARN and interviews      http://heartattackarchive.com/                               

and here is a link that will take you to check out some of Vince Locke's work https://vincelocke.com/

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