Thursday, July 9, 2020

My Beach My Wave GO HOME

What can i say , i have always enjoyed listening to the Surf Punks . Some say their not punk enough but to new wave , i don't care it was something mellow and funny to listen to and especially i lived near the beach ( Ojai was about 20 minutes north of Ventura ) so there was a lot of surfing and skateboarding                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The lyrics of the band centered primarily on the in-group/out-group experiences of "locals" (surfers living on the beach in Malibu) and "valleys" (commuters from the San Fernando Valley to the private and public beaches of the exclusive Malibu Beach community). Never truly "punk" in the traditional sense of the word, the Surf Punks were sort of a "Beach Boys of the punk world," offering their take on the "turf wars" over the southern California beaches and its waves.                                                                                                                                                                                                 I found this on and it descibes how people felt about Vals      Go home Vals - Let's face it you are the lowest on the totem pole. Back in the late 70's and early 80's there was a band of Malibu locals that were called the Surf Punks. And they sang songs like "my beach, my wave, my surf, valley go home!!!" You should be grateful we even allow you to come and surf our spot. You suck anyways because you have to drive an hour to get over the Kanan Road just to surf. While we, the locals, simply go out for a dawn patrol, a lunchtime session, and a glass off. And if you get too many traffic tickets your license gets taken away and you can't surf at all. I garantee you any one of these kooks mouthing off will fade from the surf scene with in a few short years. Your have a certain place in society, a low pecking order. The only person you supersede is someone from Riverside etc. The pecking order is as follows: Coastal locals, Canyon residents, Valleys, inland empire heads 2 hours from the surf, and then Utah!!! You see I live by the beach and I am welcome to go up to Oxnard and Oxnard locals are welcome to come to my beach. We show each other respect and don't mouth off or snake in the line up. You on the other hand are a Valley and you are definatly not welcome in Oxnard with your mouthing off bullshit, and you are not welcome at my medicore malibu beach break either. And yes Oxnard locals rip and they will rip you so hard it's not even funny.
   1979 - Surf Punks                                                
1980 - My Beach
1981 - Locals Only single
1982 - Locals Only
1988 - Party Bomb                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

 2013 - Locals Only reissue

Your shows were pretty wild. What was the craziest gig you ever played?

The craziest gig was also the most volatile. It was in Ventura, CA. and Drew came out giving the large audience “the finger”. The Ventura/Oxnard area is well known for hosting some of the most hostile “surf locals” around, and after this “welcoming gesture” from us “southers”, I thought the place was going to riot. Beer bottles were thrown, along with a beer pitcher that just missed my head. The crowd was pretty crazed, but miraculously no injuries. I do remember a tear gas bomb going off at another one of the gigs in Hollywood (The Starwood) that quickly cleared the crowd. Ah, those innocent dayze!                                                                                   

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