Monday, April 11, 2022

Sorry for lack of posts buy here's some music that has helped me

Sorry for the lack of posting anything for a while now , I've been dealing with a bunch of bullshit of having to deal with Dr. appointments , being in constant pain which I thought was just nerve damage /neuropathy (which is just a small matter) to find out that I have 3 bulging discs in my lower back and stenosis of the lower spine and to top it off the fucking depression I'm dealing with from not being able to work and being hardly able to walk (except for a very short distance) without being in severe pain . I've gotten lots of different projects started but that's as far as I get because depression gets in the way and I don't follow thru and finish shit . Well I decided to post some bands that have gotten me through some hard and dark times .                                                                                                                                          The first punk band I ever saw at some little club in Oak View California was Agression in 1984 , and remember in the 80's the harassment , threats , etc that could and sometimes would happen to you for being a punk rocker and even a skateboarder . Well seeing my first punk show I was very intimidated by the people there , but I talked to a few of them and a friend introduces me to the members of Agression and after talking to them for a few minutes I felt a little more relaxed and even accepted . Because most of my life I have felt like an outsider (even to my own family) . I had finally found somewhere where I felt accepted and not treated like a burden .                                                                                                           Agression's "Don't Be Mistaken" an absolute classic and also a live recording at The Skate Palace in Oxnard that I was at where I also seen Verbal Abuse , Excel , and Exodus that night (this just has Agression's set but if anyone would like I can post the other bands set too)                                 
Intense Energy                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
Live at the Skate Palace                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Another great band that i seen quite a few times and were always great people were Stalag 13 , the band has changed some though . Ron is a teacher at a university in Australia or something like that and John Crerar (Missing 23rd) is singing for them now but still a great band . their album "In Control" was always something I turned to to listen to especially when I was feeling down especially the song "Black and Gray" . And I recently came across a video on Youtube of Stalag 13 at th Oxnard Community Center on 12/20/1986 , this is when they had got back together and on their "Back And Bent On Destruction tour" , the sound was different but still intense , but what makes this video even greater was that I was there that night and I think I spotted myself in the video . You might recognize some songs that ended up on Dr Know's "Wreckage In Flesh" Lp and which the song City Wheels was originally a song by a band called "Belial" .   
In Control
                                                                                                                 Live @ Oxnard Community Center 12/20/1986                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The original version Black Stix/Silver Badge   

                                  And the new version redone over 35 later and still holds strong         

                                                                                                                                                                         This band has been one I keep going back to to listen to over and over again , I was lucky enough to be able to see them a few times when I lived in Tulsa Oklahoma  and one of my favorites is "One For The Resistance" . 
Anthems For Greater Salvation



    I have been listening to this band for a while now since I heard their song :I Am A Rifle" on a Profane Existance comp and a regular that I play anytime .                                                                         
Days Of Rage
Four Songs About Freedom
Last Run

  Don't know why but I listen to this EP when I'm most depressed and feel helpless but it brings me up to say 'Fuck it , fight this depression , get the fuck back up and stand up on your feet and fight thru this' .
Next Time/Midnight

I listen to all types of music and enjoy listening to more mellow stuff (not always hardcore related) sometimes to just to try and relax .     
Ferocious Dog       
Fake New & Propaganda       
Foreign Skies         
Into The North                               

This band I saved for last , they are one of my favorite bands and had seen them many times in the mid/late 80's . I listen to them especially when my depression seems to be the worst and it cheers me up to listen to them so many years later                                                                                                           

    Narthex Structure                                                                                                                                                            


Listening to these bands have helped me thru some dark times when I have wanted to give up but then I remember what my step dad's suicide did to the family and I don't want to do that to my family and I am not a quitter , I am to stubborn to give up so I just keep fighting my depression and trying to keep my head up and be strong for my family but everyday is a new challenge to face and pain to deal with .                                                                                                                                                              And I just found out that my pain is not really caused by the severe nerve damage/neuropathy that the Dr's have been saying for the last four years , but from 3 bulging discs in my lower back along with stenosis of the lower spine . So for four years now I have been being treated for nerve damage in my feet and legs and not the bulging discs and stenosis , so since not being treated it most likely has caused permanent nerve damage and maybe other problems in the future . But I try do my best and do what I can and my daughter is so bright and I'm teaching her all I can of survival techniques and just to be a good person in her life , and my grand daughter who we are still working on getting guardianship and then full custody of , which has been a challenge in itself . We have had our grand daughter since she was 3 days old and she is now nine months old and so bright and intelligent , but at first we thought that there might be problems in her growth or other problems since she was born drug addicted , but wonderfully there has been no problems . and for my wife who has had to deal with me in good times and in my bad times. So to them I do my best and fight my depression and pain daily to try and make and do the best for them .                                                                                                                              And thank you to the bands and people that I have met through out my life , you all (well most) have made me a stronger person and a big thank you to PUNK ROCK for making me the person I am today  . Punk Rock/Hardcore music has been a healing fixture throughout my life and am very grateful for it . This is just something for me to express what I feel and to share some music that has helped me , so enjoy and remember you can control your life and how you'll live it , not the other way around .              Cheers to you all .                                                                                                                                                

1 comment:

  1. Hey. I arrived here from blackwalls blog list. You're havin a shit few years, and i hope it works it OK. I htought i would tell you to find the archived copies of a bloq called "Worthless Goddamn Cripple". Just google it and you're there. (wiki
    Its fucking shocking and sad and rage inducing but it's great too. He's very much alive in there where his body has left him: at the mercy of the state. A package to be used or tranferered elswhere. And he kick back as hard as he can, and if cant, you feel it - surviving despite others assesments can be a hard choice and few are truly glad that you're Not a vegetable. It means they were lazy at least and often purposely malign.
    Iwarn you its harrowing read. I found it looking to see what happened to Dave Riley, ggreat bass player for Big Black, he was like the raging unconscious of the band, and he knew it. Also played with Savage Republic.
    Good luck man. If Dave Riley continued through it, and found substance and worth, then i think we all can
