Monday, August 8, 2022



                                                                                                                                                                                                                          So there are 2 different bands called DESOBEDIENCIA CIVIL , 1 from Mexico City, Mexico and another from La Plata Argentina , this is the one from Argentina . I don't have much info on the band but I found a description of them from the band on . It's in spanish but I have translated it into english .                                                                                                                       Civil Disobedience began to form as a band at the end of 1997 as a need to express through music the thoughts and feelings of those who were part of it at that time. Shortly after, they began their presentations in a day in repudiation of the eviction of the squatted Germinal social center, which was the first of its kind in the city of La Plata, where the band is from, capital of the Province of Buenos Aires, sArgentina .(although it is preferable to say of the world). In '98 they recorded their first musical delivery at home, which were 20 songs under the same name of the band "Civil Disobedience" and they began to perform street recitals for the reason of reaching beyond the "punk ghetto" (to call it in some way). way) with the message they express in the songs and somehow break a little with the scheme of the show for money that the music market accustoms us to, which is nothing more than capitalism putting its claw in our lives. These recitals were transformed into days, and these days in an increasingly firm form of the band with respect to their presentations. This went on for about 2 years. Exchanges of ideas, forms, music, information that were given between the people of the bands that made up these days were the engine that kept them going while they were there. In 2000 they recorded “La Maldición del Hambre”, 12 more songs, also recorded “at home” while following the street recitals and going out to other geographical points within the region called the province of Buenos Aires. Approximately by 2002/03 they begin to change the form of the presentations and they begin to carry out recitals for the benefit of a children's dining room called the snail strategy, the entrance was free plus a non-perishable food, the idea that the fact of that someone did not bring the food was not shared by the members of the band and was left in the conscience of those who attended. During all this time, ties were created in which the band was seen as linked to the anarcho-punk movement, place that to this day continues to participate although as a band they do not define themselves within any movement. There were also relationships with what anarchism itself is, from the "traditional" to the punks (so to speak) making a contribution from the band and the personal in some way.


At some point in 2003 they stopped playing in La Plata after noticing the apathy on the part of the "rock" environment in the area who only saw Punk as self-destruction and violence, values ​​with which the system dirty punk, leading to a tense and I annoyed the recitals, which ended in extreme situations from which a non-violent stance was taken, which meant stopping playing in the area for a while, since it was not pleasant.  This led to opening up even more to the outside and traveling further afield with the songs, trips to other provinces, other neighborhoods arose. At this time members also change and a stage of changes begins. Also the pace slows down a bit. In 2004 the band participates in the IV Anarcho Punk International Meeting held in the city of Mar del Plata from which a live CD appears together with the Kamenish band. Before and after the same, the band participates in Art and Counterinformation Conferences carried out by the anarcho punk environment in its majority. In this record they implement what could be called “Traveling Records” as a method of diffusion, these are born not wanting to be a market product. Through an editorial that came with the CD, the intention with which it had been made was explained: “This disc does not pretend to be private property, It is not a gift because it simply came to you without having to pay for it, but we suppose it came for your interest, whatever it was. This is our way of releasing this record, and what we would like to see happen with it, is that it not be piled up on any shelf or box or where you keep YOUR records, but travel from person to person, from world to world and thus put disposition of all, in this case, an album That like so many others is full of feelings, dissatisfied cries, philosophy, expressions, ideas... that those who listen to it in some way find it useful, whatever, trigger of some questioning, sharing some idea or not, leading to some reflection... whatever. And that it is not just to shake your head outside, which we clarify is not bad. The records that are part of the punk counterculture, which is conceived and formed in part from songs, are sometimes like reading a text, a 'zine, book or whatever, and they somehow contribute to our formation and evolution towards freedom through the content of the lyrics. That is why we want it to arrive without exchanging it for money, since we think that this is the greatest of the pillars of globalizing capitalism that not only keeps a few human beings (in comparison to its totality) above others through oppression, but that does not respect nature either, causing the deterioration of the planet and an imbalance of it, the beings that inhabit it and in our bodies and minds (our being). For this reason, in an attempt to distance it from our movements in search of new options, we experimented in leaving it in the consciences of those to whom this reaches and whether this album continues its journey or stagnate, it is up to you, but keep in mind that it is a huge effort on our part to make this production in this way, but it is what we believe and feel.. ” In 2005 they recorded “Cosecha Tu Siembra” and they did it precisely by inviting people to the recording who are the fruit of the band's doings since their beginnings related directly and indirectly. It also follows the line of recording at home but now with better sound using a PC and the dissemination of Discos Viajeros is strengthened. The trips and the participation in conference-recitals for different causes and reasons continue. One of them was the construction of a library in a neighborhood on the outskirts of Bariloche called 34 Hectáreas, also in a day of denunciation of child violence in the Laferrere neighborhood of Buenos Aires, … and in others of a similar nature. In 2007, in the month of May, they made their first tour, which was in Argentina and Chile, passing through Cordoba / San Luis / Mendoza / Santiago / Santa Cruz / Valparaiso, places where the band was able to share directly (even in the distances) many enriching experiences that make everyday life a direct stage for change. After the tour, some dates followed in Buenos Aires in support of different causes and they end the year celebrating in December the 10 years of the band together with the 6 years of Okupacion of the Kasa l@s Gat@s squatted countercultural center in the province of Cordoba and right there they start 2008 also celebrating the first year of the Casa del Bosque squat, which unfortunately no longer exists, and they continue with recitals in Cordoba for the squatters since some of its members moved there. In 2009 they play all year long in the province of Cordoba, since some of their members spent more time there, carrying out charity days for political prisoners throughout the year. 2010 finds them to record their next musical installment, recording the songs they were playing throughout the previous year,



1998 - Desobediencia Civil     
1999 - Industrias de Humo Para Respirar (ep)          
200 - La Maldición del Hambre             
2004 - en vivo - Mar del Plata - Encuentro Internacional Anarco-Punk 2004             
2004 - split Kamenish - IV Encuentro Internacional Anarco Punk       
2005 - Cosecha Tu Siembra        
2007 - Despierta        
2012 - Tarde o Temprano       
2016 - Las Flores       
2018 - ¿Donde Estas Amigo? (EP Single)



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