Thursday, December 29, 2022

Stäläg 13

So this is coming up on the day after my 53rd birthday and I was planning on going to this but i did something to my back where it basically dropped me , I went to the E.R. the next day and to find out after the x ray that iI have a protrusion  (herniated disc) in my lower back . Well 5 years ago I had an M.R.I. done of my lower back and it showed I had 3 bulging discs in my lower back and in 5 years the Dr's have done absolutely nothing  . The pain has gotten worse (along with the nerve damage/neuropathy in my feet and legs) and it is getting harder to walk around or do much that includes walking around or a lot of moving around .           Well since I can't make it to the show and the last time I seen Ron Baird play with Stalag 13 was 15 plus years ago when he came back to the states and Stalag 13 did a 2 week tour ? . I was lucky enough to see them play then when they played Jerry's Pizza in Bakersfield , before that was when I still lived in Ojai (ventura county) and seen them after they had gotten back together during the "BACK AND BENT ON DESTRUCTION''

The Flyer says 87 but the video is dated for 86 , so I don't know which one is right all I know is that I was at this show and it was an absolute blast even if it doesn't sound like Stalag 13 but more Dr know "Wreckage In Flesh" but they were amazing and intense . I had seen them play quite a few times before this but in the last few years  with the line up with the new (well old) singer now JOHN CRERAR (The Missing @3rd , Stop Breathing, Dad Brains) . And read somewhere that Ron approved of John singing for Stalag 13 .  
 Years ago a few of us were skating downhill on Saddleback Mountain and we went to a friends house and ended up running into Ron and Stalag 13 guys and some others , hell it was a long time ago so i don't quite remember who all was there , but I remember Ron giving me a copy of their new album "IN CONTROL" and somehow it survived skating that day but I either had lost it in a move or it got stolen from me a long time ago . Earlier this year the band had played Hawaii 
and in 2019 they got to go to Japan 
and in 2023 they will headed to and I guess other dates to be announced , so beware Eastern Europe Nardcore is coming .

Here are 2 versions of BLACK STIX/SILVER BADGE done over 30 years apart and both versions are both very stong and intense 

                                                                                                                                                                         Well anyways here are some old videos of them   

1983 - Demo      1984 - In Control      1996 - Conviction      2017 - Over The Edge EP      2021 - Fill In The Silence                        


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