Wednesday, November 29, 2017

I'm a fucking Slacker

I now it's been a bit since my last post  but i don't care for this time of year to much , and i've been dealing with doctor visit's and being in pain from just waking up . My knees and feet fucking hurt and trying to walk a couple blocks is painful and wears me out , it's been 2 years and the doctors pretty much give me the run around . I've got a torn and desintergrating minicus in my left knee and i have a metal plate in my right leg right above my ankle (which is painful) but now one of the screws has fallen out of the plate and floating around . So dealing with the doctors and disability and now the freaking holidays  This all sucks .                                                                                                              Well i hope to get some more bands put up on here , it's just trying to decide on what is the problem .so if anyone has something they're looking for leave me a comment or so , would love to hear what people think or are looking for to hear , or leave me some recommendations of bands to check out .  ( NO R.A.C. OR WHITE POWER BULLSHIT WILL  BE POSTED ON HERE )  Thank you for visiting my blog

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