Saturday, November 18, 2017

Uranium Death Crow


Coming straight from the bible belt to destroy your senses and to  throw in your face all the hate ,  pain and suffering of society and what society is . Hailing from the collage town of Norman , Oklahoma (where one would not think something like this coming from) and consisting of Aaron Walker- Guitar/Vox (Snot Rokitz , Humanicide) , Tucker-Guitar , Zach Mansur -Drums (snok Rokitz) , Juice- Vox (Partial Birth Abortion) and Andy Beard -Bass/Vox (Exitium) .                                           Uranium Death Crow throw thrash , grind , crust , hardcore , death metal into a blender   and DAMN do they blend it well together . I got to see them a few times when i lived in Oklahoma  , mainly at the U.C. (university city) House . which were host to many shows , house partys etc and the styles of bands were a big variety and mix from Downtown Brown getting down right funky) to acoustic  to reggae , punk hardcore , grind/death metal all in the same room or basement together , always had a blast at U.D.C. shows or you would see them at almost all the shows . Oklahoma was one of the best places i have been for the best shows , the people and atmosphere is laid back and relaxed . i don't know what else to say about that place . I  will do more on Oklahoma and the punk scene there and the bands ( oh my god the bands and all the styles) I'm not gonna dwell on the mainstream bands but the underground scene which is insane . So for know i leave you with 4 songs i have from their bandcamp page , Enjoy and play LOUD                  !RTwlTaZC!FTQ--eO2Qg3CJxHtRkdVDA
                                                                    or go here and support them and their facebook page                                                                                               The pic at the top of the page is a friend of theirs and a regular at almost all the local shows , especially at the U.C. House this was a regular thing to see  Matt Jim naked and even in the pit there showing his love to all the bands ,

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