Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Some Music I Like pt 2

  I still have a dubbed tape of these guys which I have had for years but I have no tape player so it was great to see someone post in on the Facebook group Bakersfield Music Archive  Melted Gumby    Minnesota crust band that have had bands from around the world named after some of their song titles , this one is one of my favorites just need to find it on vinyl again  Misery   This Australian folk punk I heard of a few years ago and throw it on when  I'm tired of fast and noisy and want to relax a little  Mutiny    80's Oklahoma hardcore that I was luckily enough to get to see when I lived in Tulsa I think it was at The Ikon   N.O.T.A.     This is one band I had seen many times in Ventura back in the 80's had a dubbed tape of them that I wore out and for the longest time I couldn't find another recording of them but I finally found these songs , don't know if it's the correct track listing but I don't care I finally get to hear them again   Narthex Structure       Seen these guys play with A.N.S. and on tour with them at the U.C. House in Norman Oklahoma (upstairs this time) in 2009?   No Man's Slave    Another Bakersfield band who would set up shows here in town with other anarcho style bands and that I had gone down to L.A. with them a couple times when they played (I have another recording converted from video that I took when they played Koo's Café with Resist And Exist) this is their second Demo but without Pig Vomit singing on vocals  Passive Resistance     This is a blues project from Jon from Misery , I got these songs from Soundcloud I think . Not to sure what recordings these are from so I just put them in altogether   Pisshead Blues Band       This was another band of Chad Malone (Brother Inferior) and was the prelude band which became LARKIN  Rapparee     Never seen this band but I had the LP back in the late 80's and that was in my record collection that I lost almost all of   Red Scare      I had ordered this tape from Kelley years ago and forgot about it and almost a year later I receive this tape in the mail    Resist    I came across this live recording it's only 5 songs but I had seen them a few times in the 80's , so for all I know is that I could've been there since there is no exact year or location just Live somewhere in Oxnard    Scared Straight     This artist is currently based in the PNW and lyrics are about First Nations People , some people may find some of these lyric's offensive and here's an example ( NATIVE NOT AMERIKKKAN ) I have found a couple of their other recordings but what I have here is songs off of Soundcloud or something like that     Savage Family/H.G.S.     Here's another band I never got to see but have influenced bands from the style of music to band names , there's a live recording of them in their first and only L.A. appearance and the singer wrote a music column in Thrasher magazine   Septic Death     First heard this band of the EARTH RAPERS AND HELL RAISERS Hippycore comp and enjoyed the song so I looked and had their record but it disappeared along with my other records   Sins Of The Flesh     Another Nardcore classic and they are still around and just did their first Japan tour last year and their original singer is a professor over in Australia now   Stalag 13     Seen these guys the first time At Cain's Ballroom in Tulsa when they opened up with Brother Inferior for the almighty SPAZZ    Subsanity       I got to see this band at H.E.A.L. FEST in So Cal and they explained their songs in English and then in Spanish and this is their only record I think    Subsistencia     This is another Bakersfield band back from the 90's , I had ordered their cd when I lived in Tulsa but like a cd the tend to get scratched and unplayable    The Acrylics     Skinheads from Malaysia antifascist and proud    The Bois


1 comment:

  1. That Spazz show at Cains was top shelf hardcore awesomness!
