Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Some music I like

I enjoy music and it has helped me thru some very bad times and over the years I have come across some really great bands and some not so good . I bought , collected , traded , gave away records since I started getting into punk music .            I grew up in Ojai , CA (Ventura county) and seen my first punk concert in a little bar/club in 1984? in Oak View , I don't remember who all played but I remember THE INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT and AGRESSION it was scary as hell but absolutely great ( the friend I went with ended up with a compound fracture in his arm) and my next show was at THE RED BARN in ISLA VISTA (santa Barbara) which was my first time seeing DR KNOW and Canada's BEYOND POSSESSION
  . (if you haven't figured out or don't know the area I lived near Oxnard/Ventura .  I went to go see so many bands at THE OXNARD COMMUNITY CENTER , THE SKATE PALACE , THE RED BARN , etc and house shows . DR KNOW in Meiners Oaks  , REDRUM at another house show and RKL and NOFX in ISLA VISTA .       I lost almost all my records and flyers I have been picking up since the early/mid 80's so I mainly just get/find MP3's of bands I like but I do occasionly buy records .   Well enough of the b.s. these are some bands that I enjoy and a lot of them I have seen over the years and some i have never seen and some flyers to shows I went to .

Starting off with one of my favorite bands and the first concert I went to and that introduction into punk has helped me thru some very difficult and trying times  Agression                 Next up is Aus-Rotten , they played here in Bakersfield and let's just say fights , mace , and the band saying they'll never come back  Aus-Rotten        A good friend of my was the singer for this band (and amazing tattoo artist) Bakersfield locals  Bedlam   Seen these Canadian thrashers at Red Barn in Isla Vista and I think this was my first time seeing Dr Know too , still wish I still had this EP   Beyond Possession    This was a recommendation from Chad Malone from records he was selling after I had grabbed a couple other Ep's from a show I went to when I lived in Tulsa which was Brother Inferior , Subsanity , Rash Of Beatings or was it Burned up Bled Dry    Black Kronstadt     This next band was always great to see live and were very nice people in fact the singer has been in many bands and some very different the others   Brother Inferior     This Bakersfield band was a complete anomaly for around here , a mix of U.S. and UK82 Hardcore but the difference was their religion . They Were Christians and it showed in their lyrics but the singer Ron didn't care who you were he treated everyone with respect . I seen them play and their set was intense and the music was precise and tight and they were still in high school when they recorded this    Chasm  Here we go back down south again and time warp back to the 80's , I think I might have seen them play at a house show   Coalition   This next band were friends of mine and great musicians they always put on a great set and you could find a complete variety of people at their shows . This is recording with their 2nd singer Justin but their are a couple other recordings of them out there somewhere which 1 is live I recorded at The Boiler Room and is with their old singer Brian who left this world behind a few years ago . The differences in between Justin and Brian singing was Justin was calmer and mellow while singer while with Brian it was intense/borderline insane (say if you had Nick Blinko singing thrash , Crust , Death metal)  Commotion  Never seen them play but this is essential in a record collection    Destroy     These guys were from Canyon Country?  but played quite often at The Red Barn and I tried to go see them as often as I could , there was something about this Ep that I still enjoy   Downcast  This is another one that is a classic and has been/still around in one form or another , this actually includes the LP and the EP which I didn't realize at first   Dr Know   This is a band from the reservation in Arizona   Ethan 103   These guys are still impressive after all these years , a little goth sound to them but straight up hardcore   False Confession  Another Bako band that were great to see and are nice people   Family  Strong as ever I first seen them at The Oxnard Community Center and for a 15 year old kid going to these I felt intimidated and out of place but also acceptance   Half Off    Never seen these guys play but the singer was in another band later on called ISOLATION in Ojai . I went to a high school with a couple of the members and did get to see them play   Heros Of Noise   Here's something a little different  some Hip Hop For The Kids , straight out of Moscow Russia and members have been in other bands since and some are currently in SIBERIAN MEAT GREAT and MOSCOW DEATH BRIGADE   Hoods Up 495    I went with Passive Resistance when they played in ResistnAnd Exist in So Cal and was blown away by this band   Kontraattaque  . I'm gonna finish this one up for now before it ended up looking like a damn novel but I do have more .


  1. i grew up in SB in the 80s, used to hitchhike at state and 101 to oxnard and see shows, red barn in IV was my fav venue as I could just skate there from my dads house in Goleta. Met Rozz from Christian death there one night, then an hour later, he introduced me to Lux and Ivy from the Cramps. That was just a killer night. Saw RKL and NOFX at house parties too. Rat Pack was one of my all time favs.

    1. The Red Barn was a great place to see bands at , Kent McClard put on some great bands there . There were a bunch of good bands that I could never find recordings of lately (especially stuff from the 80s and early 90s) . The 805 created a music scene that is still popular today and was so proud to be able to grow up in it .
