Don't let the name fool you it wasn't a festival and there wasn' a lot of people because they would have rather gone to Punk In The Punk , but I don't realy care to go to those big overpriced packed festivals . I prefer these small shows (it always feels more fun and relaxing) . Well anyways it was an extremely nice day here in BakersHell and I was running behind and didn't get down to Jerry's Pizza until abour 2:30 and the some vendors were set up . Hold up go back a step there needs to be a BIG THANK YOU to DAVID SLANE and Two Strokin' It for putting this on . You can find Two Strokin' It here Facebook and here Two Strokin' It Shop

Next up was LATCH KEY KIDS from Huntington Park , straight up punk hardcore who started out in the 80's , and from someone who went to many shows back then they were definetly a band who could have played on many different shows back then . I remember hearing the bands name back then and hell I think I might have seen them , don't know if i actually seen them back then but I'm glad I got to see them play . You can find them on facebook and Instagram
Now for for a band who's members have been in numerous and influential bands (Verbal Abuse , Rat Pack) from the 80's and who are still rocking it INFAMOUS STIFFS . Another band I have recently heard but had not heard of until this day and some great sounding 77 , early 80's sounding punk which I really enjoyed . You can find them on facebook and Instagram and Bandcamp
Last up from Ventura, Ca . were IDecline with their 805 influenced hardcore from the 80's . I had along their LP that I had ordered from them a while back to have them sign it and while talking to them I had actually had seen their bands or bands that family members had played in (Irony , Leviticus) or had met them before , one lady with them actually remembers me back from around 86/87 , so that was a trip . You can find them on Facebook , Instagram and Bandcamp
The videos that i used here are not mine because my recordings sounded absolutely horrible , so credit must be given to SALVATORE BAXTOR for the videos , you can find him on Facebook and on Youtube which he has many videos from concerts he has recorded . I hope he is not upset that I used his videos without permission (if need be I can remove them) . Me , Jazyl Juarez and 2 members of LATCH KEY KIDS
This was a fun and relaxed day with good people and great bands and David is talking about doing another one next year , well I'm hoping he does and let's see if he can do it bigger , if it's another small event like this that's absolutely great because everyone got to meet a lot more people then what a big event is and it's so much funner at an event like this
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