Sunday morning my friend Keri contacted and and asked if I would like to go to Upland for the Punks And Junk Flea Market where our friend David Slaine of Two Strokin It would have a booth set up and a band from Bakersfield With Liberty had been invited to play . We left Bakersfield around 10:30 and headed down to So. Cal and arrived in Upland around 12:30 , all the booths were set up and there were a good bunch of people also already there , after my friends had there smoke break we walked around and found our Bako brethern . I walked around checking out the different booths and found a bunch of different items I would have like to have bought but I had brought very little money (well I'm a broke ass dealing with multiple Dr's and still fighting for Disability) .

About the 2:40 mark is when Cheyenne sings with them

:// Next up were Animals And Children with their melodic hardcore , never heard of them before but to me they would fit in with perfectly with the 80's and 90's So Cal peace punk bands , great band and they covered the Descendents " Hope" .

I had heard of the last band but this was the first time I had actually seen them , straight out from Pomona was BARRIO SLAM and from the crowd gathered you could tell they were the favorite with some straight up hardcore . The singer Victor is behind Mosh For Youth a fundraiser to bring scholarship money for students of East L.A. and Pomona and one thing I didn't know is that he is also a high scool teacher in East L.A. Don't ask , I have no clue why the video is sideways . Just turn your head and it'll look normal

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